higher education projects
Elon Oaks Housing Project was a joint project between Elon University and Collegiate Housing Foundation for the construction of a 516 bed housing facility on the Elon University campus. The project replaced existing student housing on the site and was phased to allow the students to continue to live on site while the new buildings were being constructed. Site amenities include basketball and volleyball courts, a commons building and 606 parking spaces. A 401/404 permit was also required.
WSAA designed a 420 space long term parking lot for UNCG on a 6 acre site at 1600 W. Lee St. The project involved the demolition of 5 buildings totaling 3.5 acres under roof, including an industrial building sharing a structural wall with the adjoining property. The development included asbestos removal and soil and groundwater remediation and a directional drill for fiber optics to connect to the main campus.
The redevelopment of the existing 260,000 sf building requires revisions to parking areas, ADA access to the building and utility modifications to allow for new interior connections and multiple oil/water separators. The second phase of the campus loop road will also connect to a new vehicular underpass and will require removal of a railroad spur. The site will be enhanced by an outdoor plaza and additional at grade vehicular access. Project cost is estimated at $22 million.
WSAA provided civil engineering in the advanced planning and civil schematic design of a 2-story building centrally located on the main campus. We are currently developing construction documents for the 15,000 sf building with associated parking, and site infrastructure. The development site has been relocated and will allow for emergency vehicles and a mobile classroom to be located adjacent to the proposed building. The $11 million project is anticipated to begin construction in 2016.
WSAA developed a new entrance road to serve GTCC and an adjacent industrial complex to provide full vehicular access after the realignment of Guilford College Rd. This is the first phase of a campus loop road. Additional site improvements included parking lot revisions, a stream crossing and minor utility modifications. Local, State and Federal permitting, bidding services and construction administration services were provided for the $400,000 project which was completed in Fall 2014.
WSAA served as prime consultant for the schematic design of vehicular access across the railroad tracks at GTCC’s Jamestown campus. In conjunction with our subconsultant, STV, Inc., WSAA developed multiple options for the railway crossing including both roadway under and roadway over options. The schematic design included the review of options to realign roadways within the campus to connect to the new entrance from Guilford College Road.
WSAA provided engineering design, construction documents and technical specifications for perimeter landscaping at DCCC’s main campus in Thomasville, NC. The project involved the development of perimeter landscaping to supplement new signage and banners in accordance with a previously developed master plan. Combined with a new boulevard style entrance road, the project completed a statement entrance for the campus. Bidding and construction administration services were also provided.Â
In order to support a growing academic program, WSAA provided civil engineering (as a subconsultant to Little) for the construction of a 10,000 sf single story building with indoor and outdoor lab space. Private water and sanitary sewer extensions of approximately 1000 LF were also required. Vehicular access to interior labs and showcase space was designed from multiple locations.
WSAA provided advanced planning, schematic design and construction documents for GTCC’s new multi-building campus as a subconsultant to ESPA Architects. The $10 million project involved the development of a master watershed plan to include the adjoining industrial site. The design included site work, public water and sewer mains, parking areas, public roadway improvements and water quality pond.
The expansion of the Student Bookstore on DCCC’s main campus was complicated due to its location in the center of the campus and the large volume of pedestrian and vehicular traffic around the site. The site design included grading and utility services for the 4,000 sf building addition and improvements to existing parking and sidewalk to improve handicap accessibility. The site was enhanced by the completion of a large patio with multiple areas of outdoor seating.
The renovation of Gerrald Hall and Business Hall on GTCC’s main campus involved improvements to handicap accessibility and new utility connections to both buildings from the central energy plant. The utility improvements were constructed within a heavily trafficked area of campus, but pedestrian access was maintained throughout construction. WSAA supplied construction drawings, technical specifications, LEED documentation and construction administration.
In order to meet the watershed requirements of a growing campus, WSAA was engaged to create a master watershed plan for the Main Campus. WSAA analyzed existing conditions and plans for future built upon area and determined that the stormwater treatment needs for the campus can be met with the addition of a sandfilter and development of an impervious surface bank. The sand filter was designed to fit within an existing parking lot.
The DCCC Entrance Improvements project consisted of the redesign of the existing entrance to the main campus. The new entrance was redesigned to align with a roundabout at the entrance driveway being constructed by NCDOT. The entrance was redesigned from the NCDOT roundabout into the site to include the redesign of two intersections to roundabouts and the reconfiguration of parking lots. Bidding services and construction administration were also provided.Â
Davidson County Community College’s Davie Campus Basic Law Enforcement Training Obstacle Course is located on the southern portion of the campus and is accessible only by leaving campus and driving through the town. WSAA designed an expansion to the BLET course to allow for better maneuvering during training as well as for tractor trailer driver training. DCCC also hired WSAA to design a roadway that would cross a stream and allow maintenance personnel to more efficiently maintain the campus.
Parking Lot N was originally developed as a 126 space gravel lot on the outskirts of the Jamestown Campus. WSAA was hired to reconfigure the lot and used the surface layer of stone to create 152 paved spaces and 68 gravel spaces. WSAA has also provided parking lot design for Parking Lot M, Parking Lot M Expansion, the President’s House, Transportation & Welding Building and Aviation II. At Parking Lot A, WSAA provided a pavement rehabilitation plan.
WSAA was contracted by Davidson County Community College to redesign and expand an existing gravel parking lot to a 100 space paved parking lot. The project also included the design of an access road with raised crosswalks to connect the new parking lot to the existing main parking area. The project allows improved circulation through the campus and helps meet the increased need for parking spaces. WSAA provided construction documents and bidding and construction administration services.Â